Dear Parents,
We can't quite believe how quickly this term is going and the calendar is full of so many exciting opportunities for the children.
This week we enjoyed our annual sports day in the sunshine. The children were incredible as always. They rose to the challenge of the races on the track and enjoyed the carousel of activities with their family, friends and teachers. Everyone showed just what incredible purple learners we have at Benhall. We are really proud of them. Thank you to Mrs Smurthwaite, Miss Everett and the PE Team for organising a wonderful day. Thank you to the teachers and volunteers who encouraged the children every step of the way and gave everyone the chance to be the best that they can be. Thank you to the PTA for donating the ice - lollies that we enjoyed at lunchtime. Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, family friends and relatives for your enthusiasm throughout all of the sessions. It was wonderful to see you all having fun with your children. You truly made the day special for everyone.
We have ended our week with the first transition afternoon for the children who are moving from reception up to year 1 and year 1 to year 2. Your new teachers were really excited to spend time with you. Thank you to year 2 who loved being back in their reception class for the afternoon, they spent the afternoon reminiscing and reliving their favourite activities before writing letters to welcome our new children.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Love from Miss Morris and team xx