General Notices
At the start of the day - We no longer have a soft start and we need the children and teachers to be in the classroom as quickly as possible after the doors open. If you do need to speak to the teaching staff please can you do this at the end of the day if possible. Urgent messages can be left with the office.
Play equipment on the playgrounds - The children should not use the climbing frames, tyres and timber trails before and after school. This is for insurance purposes.
Carpark - Our small school carpark is for staff only. Please do not bring cars onto the school site. We ask that if you need to drive to and from school that you park respectfully on the surrounding roads.
Clothes bank - The clothes bank, situated near the middle pedestrian gate, has been emptied. Thank you to everyone who has donated items. If you are having a sort out please consider donating unwanted items. Please check the signage on the bin for what can and cannot be accepted. School would like pre-loved uniform so please hand it into the office.