Dear Parents,
To use my favourite tricky word "Oh"- Oh my goodness what a week we have had at Benhall to end term 3. The key things that stand out for me and brought true joy to everyones week are as follows.
Year 1 performing at the Feet First Dance Festival, as one of the youngest and certainly the largest groups to perform, it was clear to see Benhall living it's ethos of every child being the best they can be. Everyone who came along to the event were so proud of them and it has been wonderful to see so many positive messages from parents who were awe struck by what the children achieved. On Thursday, they brought a tear to Miss Bilton's eye when the whole school celebrated them in assembly by watching a video of the Dance. Well done year 1, you make my heart sing.
Year 2 organised a cake sale, inspired by their learning this term to adopt an orangutang. The support from the year 2 parents and beyond to provide cakes, the children's wonderful posters and respectful selling skills and everyone who came along and bought a cake or 2 or maybe 3 resulted in a truly lovely atmosphere in the hall on Wednesday. I pleased to announce the children smashed their target and raised a whopping £200. They will be able to adopt 2 oragutans and support charities that care for them. Excellent work year 2.
The whole school joined together this morning to learn about Chinese New Year. We mixed the year groups and there was a real sense of family as our older children worked with our younger children on a range of activities. Thank you to Miss Boakes and Miss Pates for organising.
We wish you a wonderful half term break, whatever you choose to do.
Love from Miss Morris and the team.